This post is directed toward the subject of social networking sites, i.e. FB.
Lady M told me a tale of a buddy of hers (and mine) currently dating a new gal after ending a relationship with another one of our friends. They're still on good terms, however the new gal is suddenly jealous. The new budding relationship vowed to not be friends on FB because of the dangers is provokes. She asked to see his page after 3 months of dating without a 'friend request'. However, she questioned why he still had pictures of my friend (his ex) and he up. Now I can't say if I were new gal if I wouldn't ask the same thing except I'm not crazy to ask it to him, I'd just ask my girlfriends what they thought. When we're so accessible to each other's "status," why does it suddenly make us a bit bananas?
Dude I used to date called me Friday night to urk me every which way he could (amnesia is what I'm claiming) and commented on things on my FB. Yes, yes, I could block him (I'd rather see me living fabulously) but he had the nerve to call a former date a 'douche' after reading something he wrote on my page. Then he told me I love the attention from every guy who will give it to me. Really? Oh, and that "he knows me." Hmm?
And then just tonight, I click to see "recent updates," and Biggie has posted pictures. As I am clicking through I think to myself (not knowing when these pictures are from but can only assume their recent), "Why hasn't he posted the trillion pictures he took of us when we hung out?" Ashamed? Hiding? Then I remind myself not to get caught up in the idea for reunion of something that didn't have longevity the first go. Or I'm just being a giant girl about it all because the momentum has subsided?
But there's more! Can you handle more?? This is the doosie! Shadow had sent pics from her birthday to everyone who attended via a message and said BOY replied all to a response to her (after their falling out) in what would presume was an accident. So easy to do but this is quite mortifying especially when Shadow's friends respond to the "thread." See below:
Re Birthday Bash!
Hey, sorry i havent got back to you! Been real busy, no excuse. Im not mad or anything, i just felt like u grilled me a little to much... Yeah, I shoulda said goodbye, but i just needed to get home because I was pretty fucked up. I didnt feel like I was hiding from u or anything else or I wouldnt have told u where I was and i felt like u were accusing me of something. Sometimes I dont communcate that well and I should have said something the next day. I didnt get any of your text messages until the following wednesday because my phone service sux! No excuses, just clarifying and im sure u have beef with me. I hope ur doing well! kNow, I beg you pardon, but is this how we treat one another? No matter how much time was shared together? Despite who's right or wrong, don't we all deserve someone who doesn't take a bloody fucking week to write up a poorly executed, grammar lacking, mis-spelled hot mess of a weak-ass apology that you just so happen to 'reply all' instead of picking up the GD phone and maning up about it all?!?! I will speak on behalf of my friend Shadow here and say(or what she should have said), "Thank you for being the D you are in that you spared her months or years of heartache and headaches. She allegedly 'grilled you' but apparently guys tend to give girls impressions that there's something happening and you're into her only to fuck off and leave a girl (on her birthday!) often times without explanation."
(You'll see my post later about that)
UPDATE: I wrote this and hadn't posted it yet, so here's what's going on.
The friend I mentioned who's new gal didn't like pictures of the ex (my friend) on his fb, well he proposed marriage!! Yes, after 3 short months of dating, they will be getting married this August. Guess more pictures and friends will be deleted from his account real soon as he currently listed as "engaged."
Shadow, after a short lapse away from the Dude Who Replied All, is back hanging with him. Yes, you didn't misread. I may not necessarily agree, but I have to support my friend no matter what. That's what friends do. I told her to "have fun, just don't have amnesia," which is the advice Samantha gave Carrie regarding reuniting with Big.
Speaking of...Biggie turned 4-4! Even after being a bit curious about where or why or when the pictures on his page were all about, I tell myself, it's not my business; not my problem. If I don't want to see, then I shouldn't look. That's the tricky slope of these sites. Also, in seeing recent pictures he posted from said birthday, and having talked to him earlier that day, he didn't (origonally) know what his plan for the day was. I couldn't help but be a bit confused (or even a bit hurt) as to why I didn't get an invite if I'm "such an important person in his life"? Rolling off my back.
Social sites can make even the sanest person sneak a peek as it's all just IN YOUR FACE, well unless you're blocked. ha ha That hasn't happened to me, but I know others it has happened to.
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