Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Hangover

What an amazing, most of it I remember but it's a bit foggy in parts, birthday!  A long day filled with rain turned to an evening in great company.  

Ex-Factor couldn't help celebrate, "I'm trying to get a ride Birthday Girl!!!" at midnight. Most people who know me know I turn into a pumpkin by midnight.  Then offered the secondary text of "I miss you MoFo!!!!" Ooh, 3 exclamation marks the first text, 4 exclamation marks on the second.  Have I written about this yet?  If not I will, one of the many mysteries that makes me ponder along with emoticons in text messages,  which is the overuse of exclamation marks.  Though Ex-Factor is probably one of the most jovial people I know, it still makes me exclaim why all the punctuation?! He text me the next day "Happy Birthday!! I'm sure you had a great time, I couldn't get a ride to you."  BTW, it's called a cab, if you really want to see someone, you make it one way or another. 

Thanks for holding my shoes as I couldn't walk in 4 inches anymore.
Thanks for laughing with me and at me.  
Thanks for reminding me how lucky I am.  
Thanks for the birthday cake and birthday drinks.  
Thanks for you being you!  
Thanks for the hangover (the Ikea bathroom, I thank you too, sorry for the 'uking.)  

Saturday, February 27, 2010

You Say It's Your Birthday?

It's my birthday too!!

On this rainy morning of February, I await the arrival of my parents while continuing to take things down off my walls and clean because readers what you don't know is I'm moving!  The weekend I celebrate another year older, is the same weekend I move into a new apartment.  In this spacious pad, imagine the possibilities of what will come of being another year older? Another year wiser? Another year not-single? A year to get off this self-proclaimed Mancation but judging from most of what you read, just because I'm on Mancation doesn't mean I'm blind nor does it mean I'm close minded.

I remember where I was a year ago romantically, platonically, financially, and I'm in a better place right now.  Mancation has given me so much perspective and allowed me to fall in love with my friends!!  They're amazing!! Near and far, I have fantastic friends who support me, love me, laugh and cry with me, and shout out to you all that I love you so much that in-between-boyfriends girls tend to forget how great their girlfriends are. I don't.

Also, though I haven't been updating as frequently as I would have liked (it's really hard working 2 jobs, then looking for an apartment (now moving into a new apartment), and still have time to be social), however I have posted stories so you may need to go back and re-read my adventures and misadventures.  Like:

What happened when I ran into not-so-super-Mario?
The guy that started me on this Mancation now has a gf?
Ebony and Ivory pt 1 and 2.
Unagi/Ex Factor disappearance and reappearance.
The cute actor who suggest drinks with no follow through.

Instead of listing resolutions in the new year, here are birthday declarations:

* MOVE! (already in progress)
* Drink less (ha ha ha), eat even better.
* Say yes to being set up.
* Say no to men who are only about themselves (which are usually actors, I'm just saying by experience).
* Don't waste a date on someone with no prospect (if you aren't feeling it on the first date, you're not going to magically feel it on the second or third).
* Get moving, i.e. exercise more.
* 2010, no one under 30 (21 is too young), date older :)
* Working on savings, 401k, etc.
* Learn to cook (better).
* Don't criticize men as a hobby (I borrowed that one, I like it)...
* Write more... and more often.
* Ask for advice when needed (unsolicited advice usually comes from a bad place).
* Learn something new.
*Always break the rules, no one likes a goodie goodie.
* Remind yourself that breakups happen for a reason, they're broken.  Remind yourself often if you have to.
* Just because he wasn't right for me doesn't mean he wouldn't be perfect for someone else.
* Call more often - those I see every day, those of you I don't, and those of you want to!

So Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Bradshaw, Happy Birthday to me!
And many more...stories to come!

** I have an inkling some may come from the celebration tonight?? Intrigued? You should be.

Monday, February 22, 2010

UNAGI- (still) danger???

BACKSTORY: you already read Unagi and Unagi in Person, (formerly known as)  the ex-factor.  He, who I said goodbye to back in October because he had found  reason and the girl to move back to N.C. with.  I was both pleased and a bit confused with our departure but I had the "good bye" so didn't give it much thought.

Super Bowl weekend I had texted him when The Who was playing half-time (his favorite band), "Wooo, the Who!!!"  Not expecting a response, he texts back with, "I love you!!!"  Not one, but three exclamation marks!!!  I show my friends and Miss J says, "He better be careful or his girl will go Tiger Woods on his ass."  Now I wasn't trying not to read anything into it cause text is so misleading, but couldn't help but ponder, you can say I love you in text but didn't the whole time (practically) when we were dating?   I showed Ms. M this and she says, "Well that should read I love you for remembering!"  I let it be.

Jump to - Singles Awareness Day - aka, that hallmark holiday called Valentine's Day.

I had lunch and saw Valentine's Day (the movie) with Shadow, then we met up with Miss J at Happy Hour. Cut to: we just got done saying none of our exes texted or called us on Vday.  We order a round or two of drinks and see I have a new text message. I open it and it says "Happy Valentine's Day!!" from...Ex Factor!

I didn't respond right away cause I didn't know what to say or where this was coming from. (I just had a dream about him. Weird!)  Finally the girls convinced me to write back -something. So I wrote, "Same to you, you doing something special w/ the lady?" figuring he wouldn't respond. Phone on table, he instantly writes back, my phone is moving across the table in vibration "I'm single!"  Gasp from me, the girls are screaming and howling, it was quite a scene at Barney's Beanery.  Miss J says to write back 'So what does that mean for us" but I want to play it more safe. I write, "So does that mean you're heading back to Cali?"  Instantly, "I'm here now.  Just got back."  I put my phone down in the screaming and it lights back up, he says moments later "Where are you?" (audio) Screaming.  I say "We're in We Ho, come meet us."  He says, "I'm thinking about it."  But doesn't.

So the girls are living through me and my shocking re-entry of Ex, the next day they all ask if I heard from him. No, but so I didn't have to keep answering that question, I decide to call to say hey.  We speak for 3 minutes cause he was out and I was on my way out, and says he was going to head over the hill and we should meet up. He said he'd call.  I get in my car to pick up Miss J and my phone dings, "It's 515...let's meet for some drinks!"  I told him we were going to happy hour and he should meet us but doesn't so when we're paying the bill I'm like "Watcha doing?" he says, "HOB later..." I ask what's later and never heard from him for the rest of the night.

Now, I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit of a head case right now regarding it all.  I was over this man considering I dated him 5 years ago, but am treading lightly cause I don't know what he's playing at, newly single just back in the city.  I'm tripping out big time. I can't get out of my own head.  I don't get it.  I guess if you trade in 2, you get one back.  What the hell????

Thought I'd share. This isn't what I had in mind when I said I needed a change for 2010. Accreditation is done and now we wait.  I cut my hair.  Feb sweeps is almost over (thank god) and I've been packing up my life for the move and it's my birthday coming up. It's all insane!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hallmark Holiday

oh it's on it's way... Vday, VD, whatever you want to call it, no matter where you go or what you do you can't avoid it.  It's in your face.

I had a great VD with great friends and great booze.  However, that being said, it went for a spin when Ex Factor texted me. Yes, him, and if you don't know who I'm talking about, go back to October!  And go quick before I post the newest and latest.

Is he ever just you Ex or did you really share something you thought was special that he thinks all roads lead back to you?