Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Birthday Declarations - Truth or Fantasy?

I had come up with these declarations on my birthday instead of making resolutions upon ringing in the near year.  How do I fare at my halfway point?  

* MOVE! - DID and finally remodeld, in that I purged old belongings (my green sofa, fashions and guys out of date) and made room to have someone in my room; even if it hasn't happened yet. 
* Drink less (ha ha ha), eat even better / Get moving, i.e. exercise more.- okay I was doing really great with working out and eating great, but the drink less; it ain't realistic. 
* Say yes to being set up - That is in progress....Shadow!! 
* Say no to men who are only about themselves - still a work in progress 
* Don't waste a date on someone with no prospect (if you aren't feeling it on the first date, you're not going to magically feel it on the second or third). STILL TRUE, though I haven't dated. 
* 2010, no one under 30 (21 is too young), date older :) - I had a moment of amnesia
* Working on savings, 401k, etc. - Hmmm
* Learn to cook (better) - still working on it 
* Don't criticize men as a hobby (I borrowed that one, I like it)...
* Write more... and more often - trying, but it's hard holding down a full-time job and going to school part-time, factoring in homework and maintaining my socializing. Not making excuses but good grief. 
* Ask for advice when needed (unsolicited advice usually comes from a bad place).
* Learn something new - I AM  
*Always break the rules, no one likes a goodie goodie.  Amen, sister 
* Remind yourself that breakups happen for a reason, they're broken.  Remind yourself often if you have to.
* Just because he wasn't right for me doesn't mean he wouldn't be perfect for someone else.
* Call more often - those I see every day, those of you I don't, and those of you want to!

**Addendum- I want off this mancation.

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