Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gooble gooble goo, and gobble gobble gickel

Thanksgiving is associated with giving thanks for the harvest and expressing gratitude. As expressed in previous posts, guys (whether they realize it or not) can tend to flee before the holiday season - Thanksgiving until New Years Eve - in hopes of not having to commit to the holiday blunder, buy presents, spend time or meeting friends and family. If you flee before the end of November, you're scott-free.

The ever optimist knows there are some out there who don't do this and one day there will be someone who will slice the turkey, say grace, and play taboo with my extended California family. Upon my last date with Mario, I knew it was done instinctively. He leaves town to spend it with his family followed by a birthday then Christmas and New Years. 

The game (Super Mario Bros.) has eight levels, and Mario must pass them all in order to rescue the princess. After the eighth level is beaten, Mario receives a kiss from the princess. We got to 6 dates but not enough levels to rescue the princess let alone earn the victorious kiss. Instead Mario lost life, got a little smaller, and fell off the screen (insert Mario sound effect here).

So entering into Tryptophan-ness, a lot had happened in the matter of a week. Mario disappeared, former student asks me to watch football only with no intention of actually following through, I catch up with a former flame (haven't written about him yet), spend time with my family, see my ex for sushi and sake only to question "Can we be friends or should we even be friends?" And lastly, the guy who started me on my blog adventure posts that he's 'in a relationship'.  The last one stung the most!  He, the guy who told me every guy was a jerk, a liar, and not worthy of me and that I'm perfect in his eyes and always wished I would give him the opportunity to treat me the way I deserve, desire and should demand.  He, did what they all had and then some, he too, disappeared and left me heartbroken (that was my claim).  

What a busy week indeed but rather than turning off the phone and locking the door, I continued on my quest. December must produce some different results and with that, Mancation Resumed!!!


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