1. You know Mario disappeared weeks ago.
2. I again, no longer speak to Ringo (I haven't blogged about him as of yet but maybe I'll do a flashback in honor of LOST -one of my favorite shows - perhaps a side-back?) after he blew me off w/ no explaination so I left him a vm to "not call me ...ever" and he hasn't. Deleted his number on the spot.
Curtain up
What an adventure we had followed by the strangest way to end my year in LA.
After dropping off Judy B, me and Cedes decide to jump to the local bar to catch a nightcap. I jokingly said "I hope Ringo and Mario are not there." Upon rounding the corner and walking towards the door, Ringo is outside smoking!! I joke, "Well look who it is." (But Cedes didn't know it was him since it had been 1 1/2 years since seeing him last). We fake hug hello and Cedes sensed it was awkward so headed inside to use the loo, and I stand there awkwardly having a not-conversation with him. He's all "You good? How's things?" acting like he did nothing wrong. I'm bored with the conversation so I say, "Well I'm heading in."
I bee-line for the bathroom, and say to her, "Now if Mario is here then the universe is fucking with me." We go mid-bar to try and get a drink. I see this guy next to me out of the corner of my eye sizing us up but don't pay attention (and I know Rngoand his buddies are in a booth but out of visual range). Waiting waiting waiting and this guy is scootching his barstool closer to me and I hear, "I know this girl." I turn an it's Mario! I turn and say "Yeah I know you too." He laughs that he didn't recognize me cause I still had my glasses on but couldn't take his hands off me, I turn and Pimp Daddy (from previous post) is there and is like "Hi, I'm...oh, I didn't recognize you!" So I continue to wait for my drink and Mario is telling me the story of how they were at Happy Endings (ugh) and it the changeover happened (which I had deemed Zombies when we were still speaking) and so they came there but they stole the clicker from the bouncer and we're keeping track how many rejections they could get from girls by just being douches. He says, "You were my next target, then I realized I know you." I said, "Well I can reject you or I can walk away so you can continue your game." He's like, "No, I don't want to play anymore" and kept giving me googley eyes and had his arm around me. His third friend was a douche (I later discovered, so we'll call him that) but he and Cedes went off to play the game, leaving me and Mario alone to talk.
He says, "I'm glad I saw you before you saw me" which made no sense except he explained if I would have seen him first I would have walked by and not said anything. So we're catching up and he's asking me what I'm doing for New Year's. I find out about Thanksgiving and his birthday, tell him I'm leaving for my hometown on Monday. blah blah, then grabs me by the scarf and lays one on me fully attacking my face. I push him away. He tries to go in again and I tell him no. He respects that, everyone comes back, he goes to the bathroom and comes back and is standing in front of me (I'm sitting). Then out of the corner of my eye two ugly chicks roll in (ala Jersey shore) and Mario walks up to them. They're the zombies they met at Happy Endings I guess. Talking with Douche and turn and see Mario making out with the uglier one! I turn back and was shocked!! (he just kissed me like 10 minutes prior). He stays by them the rest of the night and Douche is like "What's the big deal, he's single? Men are dicks right?" I said, "First of all, you're jaded for whatever reason and second, I know Mario so I can't believe he just did that." He's like, "He met #1 at HE and they hit it off but they left, and then we came here and he met #2." I said, "Well I am #1 because I met him months ago, this isn't our first meeting, and she's just sloppy seconds." He's like, "Oooooh." Then moves in for the grenade even though he told me she was so boring but he did it for Mario.
I turn to Cedes and she doesn't know why I'm so shocked except the fact he's making out with the ugliest chick in the bar. I tell her the story in the bathroom and continue to talk to Pimp. Lights come on, tab's paid, Ringo I know saw the brief face attack cause he came up to me at one point at the bar when I was closing and was like "Everything good," and he had his mad face on, then turned to the other guys (who I haven't been talking to) and ask if they need drinks. Dick. Cedes and Pimp go outside to smoke and Ringo waves me over to his booth- at this point, I sit. He's like "Do you need a ride to the airport?" I said, "I do actually." "Would you like me to take you?" "Not really, I don't think you get that I'm pissed at you!" (It's been 2 weeks) He says, "I know, Bradsaw I'm dealing with a lot of family shit. My grandma passed away that night." I said, "Ok, well you can understand why I left the message I did right?" "Yes." and I said, "You should know that you can do me the favor of being honest and courtesy of a phone call to explain yourself, although it wouldn't do much good cause you've lied so many times before. Happy holidays." I got up and walked away.
On my way to the door, Mario stands in my path and says, "Are you leaving?" Hilarious cause I was positive that he forgot I was there for the last half hour. I said, "Yes, great to see you...well it was." He looks at me confused. I said, "It was cool to catch up, but you kissed me and then she showed up and we're on her." He says, "She attacked me" off my look, "Yeah, I wasn't fighting it off very well." Then I told him it was a dick move and imagine if he were in my shoes how he'd feel but it's cool, "have a great night." He says, "I'm jerk, I know. I'm really sorry." I say, "Ok. You will be. Happy holidays, be safe."
I couldn't believe within 5 minutes I just had those 2 conversations, but necessary. It was all like a bad reality show - I kept looking for the cameras cause it wasn't normal. I was easy breezy catching up with Mario and then bam! I wish I would have taken a picture of the piece of trash. Pimp 'couldn't believe' Mario, his friend since 5 years old, and says that it was one of the biggest dick things he's ever done and that he (and Douche before he went in for the grenade) was on her when I'm the better option. Thank you universe for showing me this behavior and allowing closure - and if anything, a really good story for Mancation!
Judy: W.O.W. The universe must have been giving you some closure before the year's end? Can't believe that with Mario...You're a good woman, you're strong, you're funny, you're pretty, and one day you're gonna meet the right guy who knocks these 4-year-old's out of the water. LOVE YOU! Have a happy trip home :)!!
Miss J: OMG Gossip Girl!!! I CAN NOT believe Marioi!!! You need to delete him from your phone. I have no idea what he was doing there picking up people in the first place. You & I were very, very clear that (insert bar) is our regular spot. If he's blowing you off and in turn hooking up with someone else at the bar, then he needs to do it elsewhere. A custody hearing may be in order. And then to tell you that he's seeing how many girls they pick up or whatever is just immature all around. I don't even know what he could say to make last night right. It was just so wrong!
Bummer night, but I guess it's good that you killed two birds with one stone. It must at least feel nice to get that done before you leave and before the new year. They both need to stay back in 2009.
TeTe: That was a crazy story.., sounds like the same shit, different guy. I don't know why men are so incapable of dealing with personal shit. Apparently multitasking and coping don't come with the y chromosome. ugh! Yes mancation is necessary, and so are some new guys in your circle. Not worth one more second worrying about them. 2010 is gonna be our year, it has to be!
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