Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Bloke

Even though I was texting my long-distance “friend,” I caught the eye of a Brit at our local hang. He chatted up with me and my girlfriends but I was more concerned with my phone and who was on the other end (which isn’t normally like me). At the end of the evening, The Bloke asked for my number. I gave him my card. He waited the standard 2 days to call and I let him leave a message. Then we played phone tag for a couple of days before we finally spoke to which he blurted out, “I’m not going to beat around the bush, would you like to get together on Sunday

We agreed to meet for coffee at 9pm around the corner from my house (which I thought it was weird to have coffee that late but that’s just me). I had a nice time. We had a lot in common. He was a nervous guy but it was sweet. At the end of our meeting, he said he’d love to get together again and I told him to call me.

About a week or so later, at 9pm on a Sunday night, we met at the place we originally met. I already think there’s a conspiracy that we only meet at 9pm on Sunday nights but tried to keep an open mind since I’d been on hiatus (prior to the Mancation). It’s happy hour until 10 or 11pm and we’re laughing and having a great time. He’s being more affection even if he’s still nervous (Hint; hand on knee, more than once). Then his friend shows up with his date and we all hang in one booth like we’re on a double date. It was in the wake of Michael’s death, the DJ is spinning his records, the other “couple” is dancing and I’m thinking “where did this date turn?” but was convinced I will know where we really stand by date 3 - A test to see if he can take me out of walking distance from my house, beyond 9pm, or a Sunday evening. When I decide I should go since its 12:30 on a school night for me, he walks me out. We hug and he says, “
I had a great time, I’d love to see you again.” And leans in and kisses me on the lips. Sweet. Simple. Perfect. I tell him to call me, then he heads back in to ‘say good bye to his friend’ (even though I know he’ll probably go get piss drunk and stumble home).

I text him when I arrive at my apartment (no, he didn’t offer to walk me home) and hear back nothing. I hear back nothing ever…again. WTF? You initiate body and lip contact and then never follow through. Man up. ManCation…not to give him too much credit, he wasn’t the one to convince me to take a break, just encouraged me to stay on it.

Man Date: Stay on the Beach
If you initiate contact and don't want another date, than don't say "I'd love to see you again." It's like Chandler when he couldn't break up with Rachel's boss because it was less awkward to say, "This was fun, we must do it again."

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