Man-ca-tion [man- kay-shuh n]
A period of suspension of dating, or other activity, usually used for rest or time away.
Freedom or release from an adult male person, as distinguished from a boy, male lover or sweetheart.
An act or instance of vacating.
To take or have a mancation: I’m taking a mancation.
This term is not a new one, but usually only applied to men. As once defined by
--A combo of Man and Vacation. It's when you plan a vacation with all your bro's and leave the nagging wives, girlfriends, late night bootie calls all back at home and get piss drunk, hook up with some stranger, bust ass and hot box the hotel room.
--When a guy goes on a vacation sometimes with his guy friends, but without the bi'atch along
--The time at which a man in a relationship becomes a bachelor and takes a break from women.
I decided to expand upon this “concept” and take a mancation from the man himself. (Not “the man” we work for but the every day man.) Taking a break every now and again can be very healthy and necessary. Even on a “break” or “hiatus,” one isn’t blind to options to what is out there but must maintain mancation status - Not hatin’, just not datin’. A break can help you evaluate where you are in life and where you need to be, and of course, re-introduce you to the amazing person you know you are that is able to attract the real deal verses the cheap Lifetime-movie immitation of it.
Not to say I haven’t had some nice guys come along in the years since I’ve lived in LA, but there’s no longevity. In a town where everything is disposable, I refuse to believe that it lasts forever. The cycle ends somewhere. Also with that being said, what is up with nice guys ending up to be jerks like the bad boys? I am a firm believer that dating doesn’t have to (nor should it) be this hard if you’re with the right person. Sure bumps in the road happen but something’s gotta give. And so a break…
I let the problems go early in the year and man, why do we fret? It’s so hard to finally let go but yet so easy to move on. I was feeling great, working out, focusing on me, happy spending time with my friends. I tasted the fruit from the tree I was always tempted. I stopped looking once I realized I thought I found what I wanted. When I started getting girly, I sensed it was going sour; it had.
And so a mancation was about to ensue…maybe the sub-definition should be “those who think they can break the patterns set forth whether deliberately or not, but in the end they don’t man-up to walk the walk of the talk they talked.” I’m not being bitter at all. I feel like I’m heartbroken and trying to mend my head and heart cause as a Pisces I’m ever the romantic.
At the end of my entries there will be a Man - Date, which serves as an update on my mancation status.
Official first day of Mancation - July 25, 2009... Yep, I'm clearly defining the start date. That sounds about right... The end date?? Welll, now that's a whole other situation.
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