Saturday, February 27, 2010

You Say It's Your Birthday?

It's my birthday too!!

On this rainy morning of February, I await the arrival of my parents while continuing to take things down off my walls and clean because readers what you don't know is I'm moving!  The weekend I celebrate another year older, is the same weekend I move into a new apartment.  In this spacious pad, imagine the possibilities of what will come of being another year older? Another year wiser? Another year not-single? A year to get off this self-proclaimed Mancation but judging from most of what you read, just because I'm on Mancation doesn't mean I'm blind nor does it mean I'm close minded.

I remember where I was a year ago romantically, platonically, financially, and I'm in a better place right now.  Mancation has given me so much perspective and allowed me to fall in love with my friends!!  They're amazing!! Near and far, I have fantastic friends who support me, love me, laugh and cry with me, and shout out to you all that I love you so much that in-between-boyfriends girls tend to forget how great their girlfriends are. I don't.

Also, though I haven't been updating as frequently as I would have liked (it's really hard working 2 jobs, then looking for an apartment (now moving into a new apartment), and still have time to be social), however I have posted stories so you may need to go back and re-read my adventures and misadventures.  Like:

What happened when I ran into not-so-super-Mario?
The guy that started me on this Mancation now has a gf?
Ebony and Ivory pt 1 and 2.
Unagi/Ex Factor disappearance and reappearance.
The cute actor who suggest drinks with no follow through.

Instead of listing resolutions in the new year, here are birthday declarations:

* MOVE! (already in progress)
* Drink less (ha ha ha), eat even better.
* Say yes to being set up.
* Say no to men who are only about themselves (which are usually actors, I'm just saying by experience).
* Don't waste a date on someone with no prospect (if you aren't feeling it on the first date, you're not going to magically feel it on the second or third).
* Get moving, i.e. exercise more.
* 2010, no one under 30 (21 is too young), date older :)
* Working on savings, 401k, etc.
* Learn to cook (better).
* Don't criticize men as a hobby (I borrowed that one, I like it)...
* Write more... and more often.
* Ask for advice when needed (unsolicited advice usually comes from a bad place).
* Learn something new.
*Always break the rules, no one likes a goodie goodie.
* Remind yourself that breakups happen for a reason, they're broken.  Remind yourself often if you have to.
* Just because he wasn't right for me doesn't mean he wouldn't be perfect for someone else.
* Call more often - those I see every day, those of you I don't, and those of you want to!

So Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Bradshaw, Happy Birthday to me!
And many more...stories to come!

** I have an inkling some may come from the celebration tonight?? Intrigued? You should be.

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